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If the Road is not Taken

           “If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress” (Path). Everyone gets a voice to make a choice in this world. Using it to your advantage is the complex part of it. These poems both provide dynamite advice facing troubles judgment and judging yourself. Two poems by two different authors, written about life and the great almighty struggles within. They have their similarities and differences throughout the writing, but provide great tips with how to overcome life.

            Let’s look at some of those differences. For one, the poems are by different authors with different backgrounds addressed to a different audience. Second, they have different rhyme schemes. Take the first stanza of each poem and we will examine the rhyme scheme. “The Road Not Taken” rhyme scheme goes ABAAB. “If” rhyme scheme goes differently, AAAABCBC. The lengths of the poem are again, unlike each other. Most poems written by a sesquipedalian, end up long, lengthy text. The tone of the two poems 6

            Now, let’s look at some of the similarities. For one, they have a recurring, similar theme or meaning of doubting yourself and letting others doubt you for the past decisions made. “If” demonstrates the possibilities of two choices yet to be made. “The Road Not Taken” exhibits the consequences of two roads popularity and success yet to be chosen. They merge qualities in having to make a decision, based on public views made by society. The temptations of people’s judgment and thoughts push you into making a regretful decision. 

            To analyze a poem, I am going to use the acronym SLIME. It stands for structure, language, imagery, meaning, and effect. The structure shows rhyme scheme, punctual breaks, and the set-up of the poems. Language is referring to the tone, feelings, and figurative language. The imagery is the descriptive language used by the author to create those feelings and emotions that we find in language. Obviously, the meaning gives us the purpose and meaning of the poems. Lastly, effects is the outcome the poem has on yourself such as draws up a past memories or instances.














Works Cited

"Path Quotes." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

Poetry Comparison

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